
Subsidie op ledverlichting


Met LED (Light-Emitting Diode) verlichting kan men een besparing te realiseren van 60 tot 90% op de energiekosten voor verlichting en daarmee tevens een evenredige milieubesparing op CO2-en zwaveluitstoot.

Dit kan op een simpele wijze:vervangen van conventionele energie verslindende verlichting, zoals TL buizen, gloeilampen en halogeenverlichting, door superzuinige LED (Light-Emitting

In Nederland kunnen bedrijven die in of bij hun bedrijfsgebouw investeren in LED verlichting, een fiscale EIA subsidie krijgen van 44%. Het dient dan te gaan om de volgende systeemeisen:

- LED-buizen, (eventueel) armatuur, met een specifieke lichtstroom van tenminste 84 lm/W als retrofit van TL buizen, of

- Armatuurmodule met geïntegreerde LED lichtbron, met een specifieke lichtstroom van tenminste 74 lm/W, of

- Downlighters/spots met een specifieke lichtstroom van tenminste 50 lm/W, of

- Armaturen in koel- of vriescellen of armaturen in koel- of vriesmeubelen, of

- Noodverlichtingsarmaturen, of

- Verlichting in gevelborden of reclameborden


The GENII LED Leasing Program

Governmental buildings and offices, factories, hotels, airports, hospitals, shops, offices, parkings, universities, warehouses are ‘heavy users’ of lighting products, using large numbers of tubes, incandescent and fluorescent lamps.

Switching to more efficient and durable LED lighting can immediately decrease energy usage by 60-90%!

This saves costs, reduces CO2 emission and benefits the environment.

Despite the obvious advantages, many professional end users are hesitant when considering investments in LED products:

 Investments in LED are relatively high, promised payback periods are long or unclear, and price developments of LED applications are uncertain.

 There are many LED products of which the quality varies widely and most end users find it difficult to assess its quality.

The GENII LED Leasing Program addresses these concerns.

We offer GENII LED lamps, waterproof lamps, panels, tubes, bulbs, downlights, spotlights – in a rent or lease contracts.

Our customer can switch to LED without any quality risks.

Total lighting cost immediately decrease. Beside the monthly fee, there is no investment or pay-back period, and lamps will be replaced at no cost should they fail.

Please contact us about more details at geniieu@gmail.com.


Do you want to start as a distributor for GENII LED?

Distributors and resellers of LED are welcome to contact us from following countries; 

Member states of the EU; 

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden to handle our entire product lines. 

We offer excellent terms. Logistics and stock management will be managed from The Netherlands for Europe. 

All CE and UL certified LED products & ROHS compliant!

Contact us on geniieu@gmail.com


Genii Return On Investement

Klick here to download the Excel Calculation Sheet to find out the return on investments (ROI) with GENII LED PRODUCTS

All CE and UL certified LED products & ROHS compliant!

Incandescent bulb : 1,000 hours
Halogen lamp : 1000~2000 hours
Fluorescent lamp : 3,000~6,000 hours

1. By entering the data (in blue) into this worksheet, a relevant outcome of the initial cost difference, the payback period in days & the total savings will then generate the figures (in green),
2. By using GENII LED lighting systems, indoor temperature will be lower than that of bulb, halogen and fluorescent lamps/tube; however, the savings achieved in air-conditioning will not be taken into consideration here. If saving costs of air-conditioning regarding to lower heat by using GENII LED lightning is required, another worksheet covering this could be supplied.
3. Distributors are welcomed to put similar calculation tools or more sophisticated calculator worksheets included into their webpage in order letting all parties checking the figures of savings on their costs.
4. Fixture costs e.g. lamp frame/base for fluorescent tube and relevant mounting if any.
5. Even within the same categories, different brands of different quality probably offer a different life span e.g. Philips fluorescent lamps might get 3,000~6,000 hours, generic brand might reach 1,500~3,000 hours.
6. The mentioned example (the price of LED spotlight at SRP 28.-), including the specific discount offered by a reseller to the end user invoiced f.e. USD 25.- will shorten the payback period including a larger lifetime saving.
7. The higher the electricity cost per kWh, the faster payback period and lifetime saving. e.g. Faster & larger in HK @USD 0.16 > USA  @USD0.25  > Germany/Europe of higher unit cost in USD...


Genii LED Technology will be supported by the following new distributors..

Distribution will be managed by our new distributors in the following countries starting March 2011;

Belgium and Denmark.

We offer excellent terms. Logistics and stock management will be managed from The Netherlands for Europe. 

Genii wishes their new partners lots of success in building their market with our CE and UL certified LED products ROHS compliant. 
Please contact us on geniieu@gmail.com if you are also interested to become a Genii partner.